Ikea Restaurant & Cafe, Logan, Slacks Creek, Brisbane
April 24, 2014
Ikea is always a fun place to be, looking around for unique furnitures which you could do yourselves at home, with a reasonable price on them (I guess this depends on personal thoughts..) and getting ideas on how to spice up your rooms from simple decorations etc. The Swedish food offered in Ikea ranges quite a variety of different types of food, however there are only a few Swedish dishes offered with the rest being just modern Australian dishes. And, everyone basically comes here for their Swedish meatballs which is probably the most famous dish of all in Ikea.
Swedish Meatballs (Kotbullar) comes in 3 different sizes, Small ($7.99), Medium ($9.99) and Large ($11.99). The photo above shows the medium size, which you could see is a reasonable portion. However, though servings may not be too consistent depending on the server who serves you during the time. A medium size from this particular time was given about 15 meatballs. These meatballs are decent in size, and is served with a dolloped of mashed potato with gravy. Their ligonberry sauce used to also be plated up when it gets serves, but nowadays, it doesn't seem like it and you would have to squirt it out yourselves located next to the tomato sauce in the drinks area.
'Salt and pepper squid' comes not really nicely presented, just a scoop of the squids and a quarter of a lemon on the side. Taste was okay, nothing special.
'Swedish butterscotch cake' (Tarta Chokladkrokant) which is an almond cake topped with chocolate and layered by buttercream and butterscotch. This cake is gluten free which is good for many people. A great dessert that goes along well with coffee or tea.
All food are available to be bought in their Ikea store after the check out.