Lady Marmalade Cafe, Stones Corner, Brisbane
October 01, 2013
Owners Mal and Bec is best known for their My Kitchen Rules journey.. Lady Marmalade is located at the corner of Logan Rd and Cleveland Rd over at Stones Corner... Quite a little place and an awkward place to have a cafe there but it seemed homey despite the space.. It had a lot of antiques and seatings are mostly outdoor with various different tables and seats...
The table that we sat on had patches of newspapers on it and the usualy typical numbers that would be given out to diners so that they would know who's ordered what.. and what we got was a toy horse.. Remember those olden days when we were young and would play with these kind of toys..? Well, they had various animals such as sheep, cows and all.. Quite a unique idea I may say... Ordered our coffees and they were made well.. not too runny nor too thick...
Their well-known 'Classic Baked Free-range Eggs' with house beans and warm toast soldiers... was absolutely wonderful.. the baked eggs had a blend of beans and the eggs were not all fully cooked which is just the way I like it... The toast was not hard and dry and was a good combination and side for the eggs...
They had a special on a burger... and so we decided to try it... Yes.. sadly, I've forgotten the name of a dish again.. I should really write it down next time when it comes down to 'special menus'.. But I think I did, I just don't know where... clumsy person I've always been...
I remember that it was a pork belly burger but seeing by the photos, it comes with your greens, onions and sauce on a sesame seed bun... the pork belly was nicely marinated with the sauce not overpowering the pork which is good because you could still taste that marinated pork...
On the side, you are given various different things including this cute petit quiche look-alike with a crispy proscuitto.. along side with sliced green apples and 2 condiments that goes with it..
Apple tangy sauce and a creamier yogurt sauce on the side.. It all surprisingly blended in well with the combinations of both meaty and fruity as well..
Would like to come back here again to try their other dishes but since the place kind of is annoying to get parking at, I might give Shady Palms a try next time..