Aspley Oriental, Aspley, Brisbane
June 23, 2013
Yes.. A delay in a lot of posts and my pile of my food photos just keeps piling up... Getting to them asap, i assure you... Finally finished all of my exams and so I'm free.. for the time being anyway... So I'll try and get as much reviews in... and i'm making the font size bigger, i thought the previous font size was large enough but then realised it wasn't after the review is posted.. so.. here it is..
Going back to Aspley Oriental was another random visit of the closest and a yummy chinese restaurant in the northside.. Went for yum cha, as usual.. and ordered some of the typicals and usuals but also tried other new dishes..
Chicken feet is a traditional favourite for a dish that is usually ordered amongst diners.. this next photo (below), I am actually not sure of what it was.. The filling was prawns and vegetables and wrapped by like a thin skin..
Siu mai was normal.. the skin though I thought could have had a more texture and more moist than how it was.. the filling was usual.. sometimes I even think they just get these siu mais from those plastic packaged siu mai you can get.. but hey, who knows, maybe they do make it from scratch.. not too sure though..
Beef with vegetables in oyster sauce was alright.. wasn't great and i did liked the amount of garlic they had in it as well.. Beef was soft which was nice and wasn't hard to chew as well..
Carrot cake or maybe you would call it Turnip cake.. When I was in Singapore, it would have been carrot cakes but here, for some reason, everywhere is just turnip cakes or maybe they do call it carrot cake, but just don't have a lot of carrot in them... hmm.. it was okay but when I got served, it was not as warm or hot as I wanted it to be..
Mango pancakes as the dessert.. Probably the only dessert I would recommend other than the coconut pudding and mango pudding and that... Mango and whipped cream wrapped in thin yellow pancake.. Mangoes may be those canned mangoes but I hope not.. the mango colour didn't look like those canned-mangoes colour..